General Insurance

Trust leads to more trust

James Hallam is an independent Lloyd’s broker with a dedicated team of experienced insurance professionals who care about protecting your business.

Trust leads to more trust

James Hallam is an independent Lloyd’s broker with a dedicated team of experienced insurance professionals who care about protecting your business.

General Insurance

Managing a Healthcare business comes with its own set of challenges which will require a bespoke solution. Our team understand that a generic policy will not cover all angles, so we design insurance programmes to give you comfort to focus on your day-to-day challenges.

Office and Surgery Insurance

You will understand your business better than anyone else, so we have access to specialist insurance packages to cover the risks your clinic faces day to day. We provide bespoke products with insurers that understand your sector. Whether you are a sole practitioner, owner of a multi-practitioner setup, or renting rooms to other therapists, we can design a policy that will be customised to align with your requirements.

Our comprehensive Office and Surgery policy includes full protection for your business assets, revenue, and non-treatment liabilities with a wide range of optional covers, allowing you to tailor a package that meets your needs.

Cover features
  • Protects you from damage or loss to your property and contents
  • Cover for a loss of income and business interruption
  • Liability claims from third parties or employees
  • Optional covers available such as legal expenses, property away from your clinic, book debts, personal accident cover and computer breakdown

Why do I need Office and Surgery Insurance?

As a Partner, Director, Business Owner, or Manager you will have a duty of care to your employees, suppliers and the general public to have appropriate cover in place. Office and Surgery Insurance is here to give you peace of mind by protecting your business against the unexpected. Some covers are legal requirements, and some will be contractual, we can design the product to make sure all needs are met.

How can I apply?

If you have a turnover below £1,000,000 and work from a fixed location, you can apply online via our online portal.

If you have any questions or issues about your quotation, please contact us at or 02031 488995.

Office & Surgery Existing Policyholders

Access our client portal using your existing login details to review your policy documents.

Cyber Liabilities

As the Healthcare Industry modernises its systems and processes to make employee and patient journey easier, the risk of a cyber claim becomes greater. Due to the sensitive nature of data held in the healthcare sector this presents a significant opportunity for criminals and we can work in a proactive way to protect your business. Cyber Insurance is no longer just an insurance policy but provides risk assessments to support you with Cyber Security awareness for your business.

Why do I need Cyber Insurance?

Just because your clinic does not use ‘online’ processes does not mean you are not at risk. If your business holds personal data, you take card payments or even have a website, you are still at risk. There is also the risk of human error and this comes in forms such as sending sensitive information to the wrong recipient, improperly disposing of records, or inadvertently clicking on phishing attacks. We can provide a product that is suited to your business set up and cyber security.

How can I apply?

Please contact 02031 488995 or email and one of our advisors can discuss your needs in more detail.

Cover features can include
  • Security failures – when a hacker exploits a weakness in a business’s digital security
  • Cyber attacks – any kind of digital attack against a business
  • Human error – mistakes leading to a data breach or system outage
  • Extortion – criminal’s using ransomware to hold systems or data to ransom
  • Property damage – physical damage to equipment from a cyber attack
  • Financial crime and fraud – when someone is tricked digitally into transferring money or goods to a criminal
  • Business interruption – loss of income when a cyber event means a business can’t trade as normal
  • Reputational damage – PR and crisis management support
  • Data breaches – where personal or commercial information is accessed illegally

Management Liability Insurance

What is Management Liability Insurance?

Traditionally known as Directors & Officers Insurance, Management Liability Insurance protects company directors, senior managers and officers of charities, board and committees if a negligence claim is brought against them in court or at an employment tribunal.

There a three key areas to a Management Liability policy:

  • Directors & Officers Liability – protects the personal wealth of the directors and any other management staff from the legal costs and awards in defending against, civil criminal or regulatory claims or investigations.
  • Employment Practices Liability – this covers the directors and the business from claims from potential, current and former employees alleging breach of contract/employment law.
  • Corporate Legal Liability – Claims can be made against the directors and officers and also the business itself in tandem. This cover protects the legal entity (business) from defence costs incurred relating to civil, regulatory claim or investigation.
How can I apply?

Please contact 02031 488995 or and one of our advisors can discuss your needs in more detail.

Why do I need Management Liability Insurance?

Claims can arise from a wide range of circumstances, and it is important to remember that a claim does not have to be justified and factual to initiate costly legal defences:

  • Mismanagement
  • Negligence
  • Unfair dismissal or discrimination
  • Libel and Slander
  • Breach of fiduciary duty to the company
  • Trading whilst insolvent Acting outside a manager’s authority/powers
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Anti-competitive behaviour
  • Regulatory Investigations such as Health & Safety Executive and HM Revenue & Customs or the relevant regulatory body by industry

Litigation can come from anywhere. Employees, shareholders, your company, creditors, regulators, customers, competitors, the Government, other directors and suppliers or anyone else who feels they have suffered a loss arising from the Director wrongly acting in their position, can potentially sue you.

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