Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) provide Professional and Public Liability insurance (PLI) for all eligible members resident in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, practising within the scope of physiotherapy as part of membership benefits.

Limits insured

Medical Professional Liability insurance
£7.5 million any one claim with an overall aggregate of £10 million (including costs and expenses) for all claims per member in any one period of insurance.

Public and Products Liability insurance
£10 million any one occurrence and in aggregate for Products Liability claims under the policy.

Important notes and options

  • Members may increase the standard limit insured from £7.5 million to £10 million for Medical Professional Liability claims by separate application
  • Members must be HCPC registered and ordinarily resident in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Falkland Islands
  • Members are insured whilst temporarily working anywhere in the world for up to a maximum of 180 days in any 12 month period. Restrictions apply for any work in USA, Canada and Australia
  • No cover provided for acupuncture when used for fertility treatments
  • Injection therapy limitations
  • Aesthetic and/or Cosmetic procedure and/or intervention exclusion
  • Acupuncture and/or any procedure or intervention using Needles performed in or around the Thorax and/or the Thoracic Organs exclusion

We are here to help.
Call us on 02031 488995 or email us
Additional Insurance Options
  • The CSP PLI scheme is designed to offer members protection against clinical negligence claims, within the limits insured. Settlement values continue to escalate, and members will be responsible for any claim exceeding the current PLI limit of £7,500,000. A top-up facility is available to members wishing to increase their own personal level of protection under the PLI scheme as follows.

    Limits insured

    £10,000,000 any one claim with an overall limit of £10,000,000 for all claims in any period of insurance (inclusive of costs and expenses)

    Retroactive date

    The increased limit will apply to activities undertaken from the start date of the top-up cover resulting in claims notified during the period of increased cover


    Applicants must be current CSP members entitled to PLI cover within their membership status, and be HCPC registered

    Activities covered

    Only work within the scope of physiotherapy practice is insured

    Expiry date

    30th June each year to coincide with the members PLI scheme

    Key exclusions

    Treatments for certain professional footballers, animals, aesthetic & cosmetic procedures, acupuncture when used for fertility treatment, Acupuncture and/or any procedure or intervention using needles performed in or around the Thorax and/or the Thoracic Organs and certain injection therapies. Please refer to the Policy Wording for full details of the Policy Terms, Conditions and Exclusions.

    To Purchase

    Please complete & submit the application via the MPLC Portal.

    Cover cannot commence until the Application has been approved and payment received (if applying after 1st October please contact us for details of the reduced premium).

    Please read the documents contained in the downloads section before proceeding.

  • The CSP’s PLI scheme is designed for the benefit of individual members rather than corporate businesses. Clinics trading as a Partnership or Private Limited Company should assess their liability insurance needs and purchase separate cover where appropriate. The information leaflet ‘Guide to CSP & Business Insurance’ helps identify the liability covers recommended, a copy of which can be downloaded from this page.

    Any business offering healthcare services will be legally accountable for the harm caused to patients by their employees, associates or others they engage on an independent or self-employed basis.

    There are a number of options for physiotherapy businesses to insure their clinical negligence liabilities including (but not limited to) the following:-

      1. From the 1st July 2023 private limited companies and partnerships with a turnover not exceeding £200,000 in the last financial year will be included under the terms of the CSP’s PLI Scheme for member’s in respect of Medical Malpractice Insurance. This is subject to the business operating within the scope of Physiotherapy Practice, all Physiotherapists retaining CSP Membership and HCPC Registration and the business being solely owned by CSP Members. If not, any additional shareholders must be silent. The definition of a Silent Shareholder is any parties that have a financial interest in the business but are not qualified clinicians and/or previously qualified clinicians and nor are involved in the planning and/or delivery of any Clinical Services. The exception to this is Physiotherapists retaining CSP Membership and HCPC registration. The cover is subject to the terms of the MPLC Policy (details available from more information please see the downloads available from this page including the MPLC Policy Wording, Summary of Cover and Business Liability Guide. Important Note: No Public Liability insurance is provided for private limited companies which must be separately arranged. No cover is provided under this policy for activities outside the scope of Physiotherapy practice, quotations for separate insurance are available on request.
      2. All other corporate entities including private limited companies and partnerships owned solely by CSP members (with the exception of Silent Shareholders – please refer to Policy Definition) with an annual turnover between with an annual turnover between £200,000 and £300,000 can purchase similar cover as an extension to the Member’s PLI scheme.  
        To apply for this please do so via the
        MPLC portal. In all cases cover does not include Public Liability insurance for private limited companies or non-Physiotherapy activities for which separate cover should be arranged, together with any other insurance appropriate to the business needs and requirements.
      3. All other organisations and corporate entities including businesses offering non-physiotherapy services, can obtain quotations for a Medical Liability policy underwritten by RSA which includes Medical and Public Liability insurance combined. This policy is separate to the CSP PLI Scheme and is designed to provide liability cover which cannot be accommodated as an extension to the Members PLI Scheme. Click here for further information.

    Important Notes

  • Access our client portal using your existing login details to review your policy documents.

    Alternatively, if you do not have Office & Surgery Insurance and you wish to insure the practice assets and revenues under a comprehensive package of covers which includes Employers Liability, Public Liability, and a range of valuable Legal Expenses Insurance.