Public Sector

Trust leads to more trust

James Hallam is an independent Lloyd’s broker with a dedicated team of experienced insurance professionals who care about protecting your business.

Trust leads to more trust

James Hallam is an independent Lloyd’s broker with a dedicated team of experienced insurance professionals who care about protecting your business.

Public Sector

“Public sector organisations often struggle to get insurance cover that truly ticks all the boxes. That’s why we are committed to offering dedicated public sector insurance services.”

Shelly Brennan
Head of Public Sector

Work with us, and we will deliver competitive premiums with wider cover and bespoke, relevant wordings. You will get cost-effective cover and peace of mind if you ever need to make a claim.

A dedicated professional will look after your interests and will always be on hand to offer tailored advice.

Core services we offer

  • Technical cover critiques
  • Gap analysis
  • Full claims management service
  • Risk management support and training
We are here to help you.
Contact us via email at

Claims example

We carried out a detailed claims investigation of a public liability claim that was alleged to have occurred at one of the Public Sector organisation’s premises. We produced a report that summarised:

  • Details of the allegation
  • Scope of investigation
  • An investigation into the area where the alleged incident occurred
  • Review of the organisation’s existing procedures
  • Summary of evidence/lack of evidence

This report was shared with the organisation and their insurers and resulted in the liability claim being denied.

The allegations from the pursuer could have easily been accepted by the insurer on the balance of probability. It was claimed that lights were turned off as the premises was closing leading to the pursuer falling down steps causing injury.

As the insurer is not familiar with the premises and as it was genuinely around closing time that the alleged incident happened, it would have been easy for the insurer to accept the allegations and make an economic decision to deal with the claim on best terms. As the claim was relatively low value, the insurer was never going to appoint a loss adjuster or claims inspector to undertake a locus investigation to establish liability.

Our experienced claims investigator was able to conduct a thorough site visit with the support of the Public Sector organisation, interview relevant staff members and gather key evidence that clearly showed that the allegations made by the pursuer could not possibly have been true. By undertaking this investigation it also removed the burden from the Public Sector organisation in having to take steps to gather evidence to defend the claim.

Following receipt of our report the insurer immediately issued the pursuer’s solicitors with a firm denial of liability and nothing further has been heard from the solicitors since. It was key that these investigations were undertaken early in the life of the claim as a strong denial to solicitors early makes them think twice about further investing in pursuing the claim and increases the likelihood of successfully defeating the claim.

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Shelley Brennan

Head of Public Sector

Shelley has been providing professional advice and broking services to a wide range of corporate and public sector clients for 13 years and was appointed Head of Public Sector in 2019. Shelley specialises in project managing and supporting Public Sector organisations to conduct tenders compliant with all public sector procurement regulations. As a trusted expert in navigating Public Sector insurance requirements, Shelley regularly provides consultancy/training to the Scottish Government and other Governmental bodies on various insurance-related topics.

Shelley is also committed to innovation and is the co-founder of an insurtech which aims to standardise and streamline the data capture process for midmarket and corporate clients allowing enhanced data access, analysis and management control.