How Expired Vehicle Tracking Subscriptions Can Affect Motor Insurance

How Expired Vehicle Tracking Subscriptions Can Affect Motor Insurance

How Expired Vehicle Tracking Subscriptions Can Affect Motor Insurance 1200 800 James Hallam

If you use a vehicle tracker it is very important to keep your tracking subscriptions up to date. A subscription that is overdue could affect the terms of your motor insurance policy.

Can an Expired Tracking Subscriptions Invalidate Insurance?

Unfortunately, we’ve been notified of cases where claims for stolen vehicles have been declined because tracker subscriptions have been allowed to expire. This meant they were in breach of their policy terms.

If your policy schedule includes a vehicle tracker requirement endorsement, then your insurer will require all relevant subscriptions to be paid up to date and for the tracker to be operational at the time of loss.

Why Do Insurers Require Vehicle Tracking?

Vehicle tracker systems offer a layer of physical protection that can help owners protect one of their largest assets. Many insurers require trackers to be installed and active on high-value vehicles, especially those which are kept in areas where vehicle thefts are common.

Most vehicle tracker systems will require an annual subscription. This fee covers the cost of providing a 24/7/365 monitoring service, which would alert the owner if the vehicle were stolen. Without this monitoring provision, a vehicle may be stolen, and the owner may not be aware until they notice the vehicle is no longer where they left it. By this time, it could be too late to successfully track the vehicle.

If you have any questions regarding your vehicle tracker requirements or how we can help you with high value car insurance, get in touch with us today. You can call any of the team on 0203 002 9859 or email